Backend Basics

Raq Robinson
4 min readAug 22, 2020
Diagram explaining what happens when we type into your browser

Performance is determined by the location of the server, the number of trips / HTTP request, size of the files are all important factors.

CDN content delivery network

AJAX allows you to fetch information while the user is still browsing the website get information back from the server as JSON and update website in real time.

HTTP is a language that both front end and backend speak and use to communicate with each other.

Backend developer is in charge of working with servers and databases.server determines what you get in the browser.

A server is a powerful computer that is somewhere in the world listening for requests via a HTTP connection.

The most basic of servers uses something called a LAMP STACK e.g. Hostgator. Consists of an APACHE server running a Linux os that uses PHP to interact with a MySQL database and is attached to a file system.

Can serve up a simple informational website like a Wordpress website where nothing complex is happening. Uses a Linux-based server which is the operating system. Apache server is a program that is good at accepting requests and sending out responses of files. The LAMP STACK uses a MySQL database. Say for example…

